Legal act
Cadastre and Property Register Act - Art. 55, para. 1; Art. 55, para. 2
Regulation No. RD-02-20-4 of 11.10.2016 on the provision of services from the cadastral map and cadastral registers - Art. 7, para. 1, and Art. 39
Competence Dept
The Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency grants free of charge data оn coordinates of points belonging to the geodetic work base in compliance with the recent amendments of the Cadastre and Property Register Act. Data are provided through the Cadastral Administrative Information System (CAIS) of GCCA. |
Extract from the register of working survey in PDF format. The maximum number of points per application is 50. The Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre shall provide in electronic form a transcript-extraction from the cadastral register of points from the working geodetic base, containing the type, number, method of stabilisation, coordinates and altitude of the points. The data shall be used for geodetic activities - surveying, tracing, etc. |