Name in Service Register
760. Application of changes in the cadastral register of immovable properties |
Legal act
Art. 51 and Art. 53 of the Cadastre and Property Register Act; Art. 55 and Art. 56 of Ordinance № RD-02-20-5/December 15, 2016 for the Content, creation and maintenance of the cadastral map and the cadastral registers; Art. 40, Para 2-5 of Ordinance No RD-02-20-4/October 11, 2016 for Provision of services from the cadastral map and the cadastral registers |
Competence Dept
Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency (GCCA) / Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Offices (GCCOs) |
Mandatory documents
Application; personal dentity document – when ordering the service on site at a GCCO, or signing the application with a qualified electronic signature by the interested party (owner or bearer of other real estate rights over the property) or a person/body authorized by the interested party, when applying through the Cadastral Administrative Information System (CAIS) of GCCA in the case of registered users;
A document demonstrating property rights or other real estate rights – must be presented in case that the property is not registered at the regional Registry office of the Registry Agency and/or there is no existent property file with a pertinent identifier pursuant to the Cadastre and Property Register Act;
Certificate of civil status or a copy of an Act of civil status - in case that the property represents a mutual matrimonial property, but only one of the spouses is enlisted in the ownership document;
Certificate of identity for individuals with different names - if necessary; Document proving a legal interest in claiming the service - in the absence of a document of ownership or other property right;
Certificate of inheritance - the application is submitted by the inheritor; A certificate of attorney - in cases when the application is submitted by an authorized person/body
Delivery Method
On site at the reception of the regional GCCO;
Web-based through CAIS Portal of GCCA
Free of charge |
Execution Period
Up to 14 working days
Where the consent or opinion of another authority is required as regards the amendment, the execution period may be extended with up to 14 additional working days
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The execution period does not include the time necessary for notification of the interested parties.The period for the performance of the services shall commence on the day following the day on which the application is registered and shall expire at the end of the last working day of the period. Where the period expires on a non-working day, the period shall expire on the following working day.
The application of changes in the cadastral register of immovable properties is performed with the aim to keep it up to date, with reference to all modifications that occurred due to:
Creation of new or effacement of existent cadastral objects; change in the permanent purpose or the permanent usage type of a property; the address of a property; change in data regarding the owner or bearer of other real estate rights over the property
The application shall be submitted by an interested party (owner or bearer of other real estate rights over the property) or a legally authorized representative of the interested party. The application may be submitted through the CAIS Portal of GCCA or on site at a regional GCCO of choice, independent on the property location. When applying through the CAIS Portal, the application has to be signed with a qualified electronic signature by the interested party (owner or bearer of other real estate rights over the property) or a legally authorized representative of the interested party. When applying for the service on site at a GCCO, the application is filled in electronically by an employee of the respective GCCO – no provisionally filled application is required in such cases. If the general and specific requirements for the application contents are met, and it is supplemented by the required documentation, the request is registered in the records-keeping system. The Head of the GCCO, or another expert employee authorized by the Head of the GCCO, resolves the application for service implementation and submits it to the officer in charge of conducting the service. In cases of flaws in the application (i.e., lack of legal interest on behalf of the applicant), the administrative body notifies in written the applicant, with further instructions on resolving the deficiencies in a 14-day period (Art. 19, Para 2 of Ordinance No RD-02-20-4/October 11, 2016 for Provision of services from the cadastral map and the cadastral registers). The requested service is executed after resolving the deficiencies. The time period for pronouncement begin to run from the date on which the irregularities are remedied. In case it has been revealed that the ownership documents certify the duplication of holders of the right of ownership, respectively of another real estate rights over the property, the data on all owners/holders and documents are recorded in the cadastral register of immovable properties. After implementing the amendment, all interested parties are informed within 3 working days from the implementation of the amendment, in compliance with the Administrative Procedure Code, (Art. 53, Para 3 of the Cadastre and Property Register Act). The documents on the basis of which the changes have been made are stored at the GCCO. |