Name in Service Register
2717 Closing an account of a person entitled to perform cadastral activities |
Legal act
Law on Cadastre and Property Register - Art. 21
Ordinance № 3 of 16.02.2001 on keeping and storing the register of the persons capable of performing activities under the cadastre - Art. 14a; Art. 15 |
Competence Dept
Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency (GCCA) |
Mandatory documents
Documents certifying the occurrence of any of the grounds under Art. 21, para. 1 of CPRA.
Form and manner of providing the service
Order of the Executive Director of AGCC according to Art. 21, para. 3 and 4 CPRA for deletion of the competent person from the register. |
Delivery Method
The service is requested:
- On site in the administrative unit of the register of eligible persons - Sofia, 1 Musala Str. (GCCA building, official entrance);
- Through a courier service of your choice and at the expense of the applicant;
- By e-mail - application is signed with QES;
- Electronically through the web portal for online services KAIS-you must have a registration in the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS) and a qualified electronic signature;;
- Through SESS. |
Free of charge |
Execution Period
Within 30 days from the receipt of the application or after the entry into force of the Order of the Executive Director of AGCC for deletion of the person from the register of eligible persons.The period for the performance of the services shall commence on the day following the day on which the application is registered and shall expire at the end of the last working day of the period. Where the period expires on a non-working day, the period shall expire on the following working day. |
The order is received by the person:
- On site in the administrative unit of the register of qualified persons in GCCA;
- By courier service of your choice and at the expense of the applicant. |
Following the receipt of an application for Effacement of a personal file in the Register, or the receipt of an Act for violation ascertainment, the Commission pursuant to Art. 18, Para 2 of the Cadastre and Property Register Act reviews the documentation and announces its decision regarding the request’s legal validity. In case of a positive decision, the GCCA executive director issues an Order for a personal file effacement. |