Legal act
The reference is available to a judicial authority, an administrative authority, a person holding public functions or an organization providing public services.
Cadastre and Property Register Act - Art. 55, para. 1 - 5
Decree No. 293 of 08.11.2016 amending and supplementing Tariff No. 14 for the fees to be collected in the system of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and by the regional governors, adopted by Decree No. 175 of the Council of Ministers of 1998 - § 3, para. 2 |
Competence Dept
Агенция по геодезия, картография и кадастър (АГКК) |
Execution Period
Within 1 working day of the request. |
IMPORTANT NOTICE: When searching for a particular owner and/or a bearer of other real estate rights by personal identification number or by unified national identification code BULSTAT, in case that the individual or the legal entity is registered in the cadastral register of immovable properties with several different names/titles, the system will generate a list of all relevant entries. Accordingly, identical lists of properties belonging to the person or the legal entity will be generated for each of the relevant entries. Properties are only grouped based on a match by personal identification number/unified national identification code BULSTAT. Consequently, it is enough to order a reference excerpt for just one of the coinciding entries. |