Legal act
Cadastre and Property Register Act |
Competence Dept
Mandatory documents
Заявлението се подава от регистриран потребител чрез уеб-портала за онлайн услуги – КАИС. |
The GCCA grants free of charge data оn coordinates of points belonging to the geodetic work base in compliance with the recent amendments of the Cadastre and Property Register Act. Data are provided through the Cadastral Administrative Information System (CAIS) of the agency. |
Execution Period
Within 1 working day of the request. |
Reference for a point with a diagram in PDF format. The points from the CSF are searched and selected through the "Cadastre" mode on the "Map" page. The Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency provides coordinates and elevation data for the points from the cadastral base map with accompanying schematics and/or a copy of the benchmark maps. The data are necessary for making direct geodetic measurements in maintaining the cadastral and specialized maps in up-to-date condition, as well as for the objects of the engineering infrastructure, in implementing investment projects, etc. |